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MPF Rotating Drill Stand

MPF Rotating Drill Stand

Regular price €99,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €99,00 EUR
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Our drill stand is made from Aluminum and is color anodized in three radiant exciting colors. The three level design allows for a much easier visual of the head of the drills due to the fact that they are on different levels.

On the level closest to the base you can position up to 26 friction fit burs, on the middle level you can position up to 19 friction fit burs, and on the upper level you can position up to 12 regular hand motor burs.


The Rotating Drill Stand is connected to a flat base that allows the top half to spin freely for quick and easy access when choosing the appropriate but for the task at hand.


The MPF Rotating Drill stand is fully autoclave-able.


The Drill Stand should not be put into an ultrasonic with chemicals !

Drills are not included!

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